• What’s Good For Your First Aid Kit Items?

    What’s Good For Your First Aid Kit Items?

    Knowing what to include among your first aid kit items is a must! A first aid kit is essential to a family, a go-bag, a travel duffel, and an adventure backpack. Certainly, the best thing you can do for yourself, and your family is to be prepared. So, we’re sharing our best tips with you

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  • GERD Advice & Effectively Managing Your Acid Reflux

    GERD Advice & Effectively Managing Your Acid Reflux

    GERD is the abbreviation of gastroesophageal reflux disease, and affects people of all ages for a variety of reasons. If you often taste stomach acid in your mouth after a meal, or experience excessive burping, you may have GERD. When is it time to see a professional about it?

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  • Slips and Falls: Discover How-to Prevent Injuries

    Slips and Falls: Discover How-to Prevent Injuries

    According to the CDC, slips and falls on ice and snow injure 1 million Americans every year. With proper preparation, you can keep you and your family safe from preventable injuries by wearing the right clothing, shoes, and moving deliberately, slowly, and carefully. What To Wear Shoes That Protect Against Slips And Falls The expression

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  • Know Your Flu Season Facts

    Know Your Flu Season Facts

    As flu season approaches, it’s crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions. The CDC provides valuable information to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones. This fall and winter, both the flu virus and COVID-19 may be circulating, making vaccination the key defense against both illnesses. To maintain optimal health, it is

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  • Dealing With Asthma During Winter & Cold

    Dealing With Asthma During Winter & Cold

    When dealing with asthma during winter, you may notice your asthma becomes less easily controlled. Here are some explanations why this happens – Changes in air temperature, especially when temperatures decrease, can have a significant impact on the respiratory system. Colder and drier air can irritate the airways, triggering an inflammatory response. This inflammation can stimulate

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